I remember how my voyage into the world of books began…🤔
It all started with the fairy tales collection. I remember my sister and I read those books till the lovely covers ripped off and the books were worn! Dad got us aĀ collection of stories from around the world, I enjoyed reading every one of those stories.
Then I passed through Malory Towers with Darrel, and of course got into all those pranks with the twins at St Clare’s. Read a bit more of Enid Blyton, Naughtiest girl, Magic Faraway Tree, and of courseĀ Famous Five and Secret Seven.
Books books books…
In primary school, we girls stuck to each other and didn’t really play with boys. How lucky was I that my favorite cousin then was neighbours with a boy who had a very interesting library. He was the one that introduced me to Nancy Drew. Of course, I got neck deep into her adventures with her cousins and I also got hooked on Hardy boys. By then I would read anything, I loved TinTin, Asterix, pacesetters and pretty much any book I could lay my hands on.
It started getting more interesting as I got older and started reading the romance books. I read a few mills and boons and temptations which a lotĀ of girls where really into, but it wasn’t really my thing. I absolutely loved the historical romance books. Thank God for book clubs that were cropping about then, and most of them stocked up on these novels that I loved so much. I moved to Sidney Sheldon, and boy did I read his books! I still read a bit in University and even when I started working,
Somewhere along the line, I stopped reading. Don’t know what happened, but not only did I stop reading, but I must confess I became intellectually lazy! But I have recently started picking the books again, I started buying novels which I realisedĀ I couldn’tĀ keep doing, but now I borrow from the local library where am spoilt for choice. l’m even now writing my own short stories, something special for mums.😊
So, there you have it, the story of my love affair with books, do you like reading? What do you read, let’s hear your story…

You know I stopped reading too and itās true you become intellectually lazy. In the last few years I have not been reading my type of books but kids books from assignments so I can help. I think you have inspired me to start reading ago, itās so satisfying when your imagination and intellect is engaged
Really! Am happy am not the only one that stopped. Just like you I’ve been stuck with kids books for so long. Please rekindle your book romance