What did you do during the coronavirus lockdown? If asked this question when all this is over what will your response be?

Hi there, so what have you been up? Picked any new hobby yet? Or have you now found time for forgotten favourites? I still can’t believe we’ve been home for 7 weeks now, where has the time gone!

I think I’m developing an eye problem, not sure if it has anything to do with turning 40, or if it’s because of increased screen time since the lock-down started. Hubby and I have been restricting the boys’ screen times a lot for obvious reasons but I think I have to drastically cut down mine as well.

So when all this is over and you’re asked what you did with your time what will you say? Has it been interesting or boring, productive or relaxing? I’m curious I really want to know what people are doing so please do share.

What we’ve been up to…

Nature Walks

I’ve been very active with my boys. Their dad and I try to get them out once every day. We have the odd days when we’re both tired or the weather is bad when they don’t step out. Other than that, we have decided to make sure they get some outdoor time every day. Luckily we’re surrounded by the glorious woods and a couple of farms so there’s always something to do, see or explore. The Boys like going into the woods where they look for mini-beasts (insects), worms 🤮 or climb fallen trees. I did a lot of outdoor play as a kid so it gives me great joy to see them enjoying the outdoors like they’re doing now.

There are a couple of farms around where we live and there is one that allows people to feed the goats. This of-course has fast become one of my boys’ favourite past time. They love it so much and have even named the goats 😋.

We also go for long nature walks and the boys love looking at the sheep and horses, there’s even a black Alpaca on one of the farms 😊. Our last walk was exceptionally long for the boys and they were already complaining when we spotted our most exciting find yet – a herd of deer! Oh yes, just in our backyard, I can’t describe how excited we all were, it was so fast and surreal, we couldn’t even take pictures 😁. The boys were thrilled and couldn’t stop talking about, it made the last few minutes of our 2 hrs walk more pleasant. It’s incredible how we’ve been surrounded with all of this for so long and never even knew until the lockdown forced us out 😁.

Educational toys

If you’re reducing screen time you have to come up with other things right? The Boys always protest when we say no TV or devices so I make them feel better by doing things with them. One of my favourite activity is playing with educational toys. We love puzzles (as some of you already know as per this post) what better way to play and learn then than by educational puzzles. My littlest loves the endangered animals’ puzzle and now has quite a good knowledge about animals and the region they’re found. The rocket book was a gift for my eldest (great gift right) and we really enjoyed building and learning about space travel whilst doing it. The Usborne brand is really great for children educational activities, and they have great activities you can try at home on their website.


The Boys love helping in the kitchen and more times than none I’m the one chasing them away so I can cook in peace (and have a few minutes to myself 😄). We actually do have fun in the kitchen together and we’ve made a lot of different meals together. They also like picking out the fruits for their smoothies and we have fun choosing who’s combination is the best 😊.

Role Playing

My Boys love role-playing, I tend to discourage them just cause I’m not too keen on moving the costume bag! During this lock-down, I have been nicer and have let them role-pray as often as they want. They go from super-heroes to Vikings, cop and robber etc, the favourite is still super-heroes. The dialogue they come up with is pretty impressive! Sometimes they Don’t even know I’m listening wherever I am until they hear me giggle at something they say.

Below are some of the advantages of roleplay;

  • Encourages creativity and imagination. children develop and use their cognitive abilities and skills through role-playing.
  • Fosters social and emotional development.
  • Improves communication and language.
  • Develops thinking, learning & problem-solving skills.

To do…

So that’s pretty much it. We’ve been doing a lot of art too, that’s something they enjoy doing. The Boys have been talking about baking, I’m not a fan of baking, (even though I’m a little too fond of the end product 😁) I have however ordered a hand mixer and I’ll surprise them this week. I’ll let you know how our baking goes. I also ordered some seeds and soil so we will be doing some gardening 🙄. Wish me, luck guys 🤞🏽. All the activities listed in this paragraph are not on my favourite list, but I’m trying to engage them as much as I can.

Our latest thank you banner now sitting pretty on our kitchen window.


I’m sure you’ve all been trying to engage your children as much as possible and from one parent to another I say well done. It’s not an easy job but it’s such a blessing as children are gifts. If you can, make sure they get some outside time, it’s good for them to rest and exercise their eyes. Staring at screens for too long takes a toll on the eyes. Everyone (adults inclusive) should take breaks from staring at screens, especially phones). We don’t want to come out of the lockdown with bad eye sights. Walks, Cycling, scootering, or just simply throwing good old Frisbee are some things you can do (this is actually good exercise for the eyes as one is forced to look far).

I have been getting some alone times too, which is very important. I spend my time on long walks which I find refreshing. Hikes are one of my favourite thing to do. Occasionally, I’ve gotten lost in the woods but I always find my way back – enjoying some fresh air and captivated by the beauty of nature. I have learned a new skill too, hubby cuts the boys hair and I help with his 😋. I really enjoy it and I find it very intimate. Very much like giving hubby a pedicure too.

Adult Content 🎇

Talking about intimate, hope you’re heating the bedroom too? Ladies and gentleman, it’s time for some sexual healing if you know what I mean. Time to pump up the volume and work some magic in your relationships. Flirt more, compliment more, just relax and have a good time with your other half. Try some new skills 😉, get new lingerie, smell nice and be nice 😉. Try not to read meanings into every statement and action, just relax and have some fun. (humming 🎤”Don’t be scared to be free to let go show it off, feel like letting go ohohohoh💃💃💃.

Aunty Lulu


10 thoughts on “What did you do during the Coronavirus Lockdown?

  1. Aunty Lulu, great post! Love that the boys named the goats and enjoy helping you cook. Your activities have definitely given me some ideas, because (minus homeschooling) the screen time is through the roof, he’s attached to his iPad . A few things we’ve done though are, baking, short walks, learning to ride his bicycle without training wheels . Thanks for the great tips, will try them.

    1. That’s great!D also just started riding his bicycle without stabilizers and Josh started riding on the road with dad. You’re doing well mum, well done. Good luck reducing screen time that;s always a struggle .

  2. I struggle to get the boys outdoors daily due to my own laziness and tiredness. In addition to online school, Work has continued as usual for me and once I shut my laptop at the close of work, I just want to lay down…but…we are inspired and we will do better.

    1. Honestly, Dotun if not for Hubby’s persistence I must admit I won’t do much myself. Homeschooling takes so much and you now have to work with it, well done. Just try and get out with them, it’ll do everyone some good.

  3. This is really super
    Cool, I like the ideas you bring and the holistic
    Education the kids are getting. I think I’ll steal some pages off your play book on role

  4. Greats ideas! I cook, cycle and play board games with the children, but always looking for fun ideas. You’ve left me me a a great selection of things to do, puzzle shopping first. Thank you

    1. Cool stuff Lami, can you suggest board games for me please? I just got articulate and tension for Kids. We’ll be trying that out this weekend. Good luck trying out new stuff .

  5. Fantastic ideas Sis!! Thanks for sharing! My favourite thing this period is actually reading the Bible with the children. Currently reading the book of John. We read, ponder in the scriptures, see how we can impact our lives through the scriptures, we pray and worship. Awesome, Quality time courtesy of lock down!!

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