This compelling image was being circulated on social media yesterday, and like everyone else, I was captivated by it. It’s a picture that speaks volumes – no wonder its been going around. I took some important lessons from it and they include;

  • No matter how bad you fall, you can still rise up and be better off than when you fell.
  • Whenever you fall or find yourself falling, stay rooted. Then getting back up won’t be too difficult or impossible.

Personally, I feel the last point is the most important. Reason being that a closer inspection of the fallen tree will reveal its roots still connected to the ground. This is why 5 lovely trees could come from it.

Never give up

So beautiful people am not praying we fall, but when we do or find ourselves falling – could be from a business, career etc. Don’t lose hope, you will still rise again, even better and bigger but remember to stay rooted.

Don’t cut yourself from everyone, at least stay connected to one or two positive influences and most importantly, to your God.

This tree, though fallen, still flourished and most importantly grew in different directions. Don’t forget to help others too, remember we rise by lifting others.


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